Analysis of Heavy Metal Content (Cu, Cr, and Cd) in The River Watershed Way Kuala Bandar Lampung City at Coordinate Point 5˚25’19.1”S 105˚17’08.6”E


  • muhammad Ihsan Universitas Al Khairiyah
  • Novi Alma Agustin Institut Teknologi Sumatera (ITERA)
  • Lety Nuroctaviani Universitas Al Khairiyah
  • Hadajaya Rusli Institut Teknologi Bandung


River Water, Quality Standart, heavy metals, AAS


Water has an important role in the survival of living things. Surface water sources, including rivers,
lakes, and dams, are important in meeting diverse water needs. River water quality standards have been
regulated by the government in PP Number 2 of 2021 in the context of environmental protection and
management. The location of this research is on the Way Kuala River in Kecepatan, Bandar Lampung
City, at the coordinates 5'25'19.1"S 105'17'08.6"E. This research aims to test the heavy metal content
in Way Kuala River water. The research stages were surveying the sampling location, determining
coordinate points, taking water samples, and testing parameters for heavy metal content. The heavy
metal content in river water samples was characterized using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS)
instrumentation at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). The results of characterization and
calculations show that the heavy metal content Cd was detected in several samples but still met river
water quality standards, while the heavy metals Cu and Cr in the Kuala River water samples did not
show the presence of these heavy metals, so the result was that the Way Kuala River water was not
contaminated by heavy metals (Cu, Cr, and Cd).


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How to Cite

Ihsan, muhammad ., Agustin, N. A., Nuroctaviani, L. ., & Rusli, H. . (2024). Analysis of Heavy Metal Content (Cu, Cr, and Cd) in The River Watershed Way Kuala Bandar Lampung City at Coordinate Point 5˚25’19.1”S 105˚17’08.6”E. Chempro, 2(01), 62–67. Retrieved from


