Initial Study of the Use Nata De Coco Cellulose as a Filter Media


  • Siti Hajir Hajir Universitas Al-Khairiyah
  • Imas Masruroh Masruroh Universitas Al Khairiyah


Nata de Coco, Filter, selulosa, Nata-En


Nata de coco is one alternative source for supply of cellulose in which this material is more easily made,
easily processed, and easily obtained with cheaper production costs. Cellulose is an organic filter media
types that can be utilized in the filtration process. In this study, the sample was Nata de Coco waste on
PT.Cocomas and Nata de Coco in the market. From the research that has been done, nata from PT.
Cocomas showed similar results with nata in the market in terms of physical structure generated when used
as filter media, Nata-En in sheet form or in powder form. The physical structure of Nata-En filter the best
is when activation for 60 minutes with decreased levels of suspended solid content better than activation
time during the 30 and 90 minutes. Nata-En filter in the form of powder has the ability to reduce the
suspended solid content of water samples is better than with filter-En Nata in sheet form.


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How to Cite

Hajir, S. H., & Masruroh, I. M. (2024). Initial Study of the Use Nata De Coco Cellulose as a Filter Media. Chempro, 2(01), 51–53. Retrieved from


