
  • Izza Aisyah Nurmahati Universitas Al-Khairiyah


Pre-service teacher, English as a Foreign Language (EFL), TPACK framework


The use of technology in instruction is highly emphasized in the contemporary education of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers. However, to use technology properly, there must be a framework which can guide the teacher or pre-service teacher in using it. Many frameworks have been introduced by some experts and practitioners, and one of them and the most well-known one among researchers is Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK). This study reports an assessment of EFL pre-service teachers’ perception and level of TPACK and its application in the class. By distributing a TPACK-EFL survey to 80 pre-service teachers who are majoring in English education, the writer later scored and ranked them, the six pre-service teachers who got the highest result were interviewed and observed. This study employed mixed-method which combines quantitative and qualitative method. The quantitative data were gathered by using the survey while the qualitative data were collected by doing interview and observation. The writer used SPSS in checking the data from the survey. Results from the study confirmed that TPACK level was influenced by gender while teaching courses and Grade Point Academic (GPA) did not contribute significantly on it. The observation data reveals that pre-service teachers had acquired technology integration skills but demonstrated relatively low competencies in blending the components of TPACK.


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