
  • Novy Yuliyanti Universitas Al-Khairiyah


Slang language, Song lyrics, Larson’s song lyrics


This research is “An Analysis of Slang Language in Larson’s Song Lyrics”. It aims to find out the slang words and it characteristics in Larson’s song lyrics. This research is a qualitative research which is dealing with descriptive method. The data in this research was collected through documentation of the song lyrics into written text. In analyzing the data, the researcher did three steps that consist of data finding, data listing, and data classification. Data finding was used to find the data from the song lyrics. In data listing, the researcher was underlined and listed some slang language found in Larson’s song lyrics. The last was data classification used after listing the slang language, the researcher classify it properly. The result of this research showed that there were 31 data of word formation process in various characteristics. Clipping is the most frequently used with 45,16%, followed by blending with 29.04%, coinage and borrowing with 12.90%.  


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How to Cite

Novy Yuliyanti. (2023). AN ANALYSIS OF SLANG LANGUAGE IN LARSON’S SONG LYRICS. JEDLIT: Journal of English Education and Literature, 1(1), 37–47. Retrieved from