JEDLIT: Journal of English Education and Literature <p><strong>JEDLIT</strong>, the <em>Journal of English Language Teaching and Literature</em>, is an English language education journal published by the LPPM of Al-Khairiyah University. This journal features research publications in the field of English language education, encompassing studies on teaching methodologies, literary approaches in learning, and other aspects related to the teaching and learning of the English language. JEDLIT is published biannually, in July and December</p> en-US (SAYUTI ZAKARIA) (SAYUTI ZAKARIA) Fri, 26 Jul 2024 05:04:15 +0000 OJS 60 STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ACHIEVEMENT THROUGH BOARDGAMES: SNAKES AND LADDERS <p>This research aimed to prove improvement towards students’ speaking achievement through the Snakes and Ladders Game of the class X students of Masarratul Muta'allimin Banten in the year of study 2022/2023. Their poor speaking skills were the issue. Therefore, the researcher conducted a fun treatment during classroom activities in teaching speaking through Snakes and Ladders Game. The method of this study was Classroom Action Research. The actions was done in two cycles. The data in this study was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The results showed that Snakes and Ladders Game improved students' speaking skills and the improvement was shown in the test result. The percentage of students who passed the test on cycle 1 was 36% and the number of students who passed on cycle 2 rose to 84%. Observation finding showed that the students became more engaged and their activities dominate throughout the learning process. Also, the questionnaire showed students gave positive opinion that said Snakes and Ladders Game was made students enjoy during classroom activities. It indicated that through Snakes and Ladders Game, the students speaking achievement was improved.&nbsp;</p> Latif Sufi Alhamdan, S.Pd, M.Pd Copyright (c) 2023 JEDLIT: Journal of English Education and Literature Fri, 12 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 AN ANALYSIS OF SLANG LANGUAGE IN LARSON’S SONG LYRICS <p>This research is “An Analysis of Slang Language in Larson’s Song Lyrics”. It aims to find out the slang words and it characteristics in Larson’s song lyrics. This research is a qualitative research which is dealing with descriptive method. The data in this research was collected through documentation of the song lyrics into written text. In analyzing the data, the researcher did three steps that consist of data finding, data listing, and data classification. Data finding was used to find the data from the song lyrics. In data listing, the researcher was underlined and listed some slang language found in Larson’s song lyrics. The last was data classification used after listing the slang language, the researcher classify it properly. The result of this research showed that there were 31 data of word formation process in various characteristics. Clipping is the most frequently used with 45,16%, followed by blending with 29.04%, coinage and borrowing with 12.90%. &nbsp;</p> Novy Yuliyanti Copyright (c) 2023 JEDLIT: Journal of English Education and Literature Tue, 12 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THE ANXIETY OF MAIN CHARACTER IN SERENA’S NOVEL BY RON RASH” (PSYCHOANALYSIS OF SIGMUND FREUD) <p><em>The aim of this research was to descraibe </em>what kind of anxiety that was experienced by the main character, and how the anxiety was experienced by the main character in Serena’s novel by Ron Rash<em>. This research used a qualitative approach with content analysis methods. The data source of this research is word, Phrase, and sentence in Serena’s novel by Ron Rash. The data technique used in this research is the library technique, namely close reading, listening, taking notes, and analyzing. The results of this research showed that Serena experienced the objective anxiety 7 datas (37%), Pemberton experienced the objective anxiety 6 datas (32%), Serena exprerinced the neurosis anxiety 3 datas (16%), Pemberton experienced the neurosis anxiety 0 data (0%), Serena experienced the moral anxiety 0 data (0%), Pemberton experienced the moral anxiety 3 datas (16%). </em></p> Pilda Nugraha Firdaus Copyright (c) 2023 JEDLIT: Journal of English Education and Literature Tue, 12 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THE INFLUENCE OF TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHOD TOWARD STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY MASTERY AT THE 1st GRADE OF SMP PLUS ASSA’ADAH <p><em>The&nbsp; objective of the research is to find out wheather Total Physical Response has significant influence or not toward students’ vocabulary mastery at the first grade of SMP Plus Assa’adah. The methodology of research was quantittative research through true experimental research. The population of the research was the first grade at SMP Plus Assa’adah in academic year 2014/2015. Researcher used pre-test and post-test in both of classes, in the experimental group was taught by using TPR method and the control group was taught by using discussion way. The result showed that in experimental class pre-test, the students got mean score 59.35 and in post-test got 75.65. And for students in control class they got 46.58 for mean pre-test, and for mean post-test they got 49.96. The result has shown that there was an improvements, the improvement could be seen for experimental group which had mean score of post-test was 75.65. Meanwhile, the mean score of post-test in the control group was 49.96. Finally, the result of analyzing the post-test both of experimental and control group showed that t<sub>count </sub>more than t<sub>table </sub>(4,544 ≥ 2,009). It means the Ha (Alternative Hypothesis) was accepted and there was an influence of using Total Physical Response toward students’ vocabulary mastery at the first grade of SMP Plus Assa’adah.</em></p> Pipin Hayadi Copyright (c) 2023 JEDLIT: Journal of English Education and Literature Tue, 12 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 AN INVESTIGATION OF ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE (EFL) PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS’ TECHNOLOGICAL PEDAGOGICAL AND CONTENT KNOWLEDGE (TPACK) <p><em>The use of technology in instruction is highly emphasized in the contemporary education of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers. However, to use technology properly, there must be a framework which can guide the teacher or pre-service teacher in using it. Many frameworks have been introduced by some experts and practitioners, and one of them and the most well-known one among researchers is Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK). This study reports an assessment of EFL pre-service teachers’ perception and level of TPACK and its application in the class. By distributing a TPACK-EFL survey to 80 pre-service teachers who are majoring in English education, the writer later scored and ranked them, the six pre-service teachers who got the highest result were interviewed and observed. This study employed mixed-method which combines quantitative and qualitative method. The quantitative data were gathered by using the survey while the qualitative data were collected by doing interview and observation. The writer used SPSS in checking the data from the survey. Results from the study confirmed that TPACK level was influenced by gender while teaching courses and Grade Point Academic (GPA) did not contribute significantly on it. The observation data reveals that pre-service teachers had acquired technology integration skills but demonstrated relatively low competencies in blending the components of TPACK.</em></p> Izza Aisyah Nurmahati Copyright (c) 2023 JEDLIT: Journal of English Education and Literature Tue, 12 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000