Management Information System, interpersonal communication, employee performanceAbstract
The formulation of the problem in this study is 2) How does the Management Information System affect the performance of DISKOMINFO Cilegon City Office Employees? 2) How does interpersonal communication affect the performance of DISKOMINFO Cilegon office employees? 3) How Does the Management Information System and Interpersonal Communication Together Affect the Performance of DISKOMINFO Cilegon City Office Employees? The research method used is the Survey method. So that Interpersonal Communication affects Employee Performance, and the variable test of Management Information Systems and Interpersonal Communication has a simultaneous positive and significant influence on Employee Performance. And based on the distribution table F table (df1 = 2, Df2 = 72) at the level of α = 5% and F table is 3.12. So that F count > F table (29.095 > 3.12) it can be concluded that Ho is rejected and for significance 0.000 < 0.05 it can be concluded that Ha is accepted which means that Management Information Systems and Interpersonal Communication have a simultaneous positive and significant influence on Employee Performance
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