Office layout is the organization of office space and the arrangement of office equipment and furniture on the available
floor area and office space to provide facilities for workers. An office is a place where employees do their work. A good
office layout can improve employee performance and generate greater profits for the company. The purpose of this
research is to get an overview of the office layout of the HR, GA & HSE division of PT Krakatau Jasa Logistik. This
research was conducted at PT Krakatau Jasa Logistik, which is located in building 1 of the PT Krakatau Engineering
office area at JL. Asia Raya, Kav. 0.3, Industrial Estate, Kotabumi, Purwakarta, Cilegon City, Banten, Indonesia. The
type of research used is descriptive quantitative research with a sample of 15 employees. The data collection methods
used are questionnaires and observations. This study uses the average (mean) and validity and reliability tests using the
SPSS 22.0 windows program. The results of this study indicate that the office layout in the HR, GA & HSE division of PT
Krakatau Jasa Logistik is very good from the room planning indicator has a frequency of 379 with a percentage of
25.89% and obtained an average value of 25.27 with a very good category, the equipment or furniture indicator has a
frequency of 337 with a percentage of 23.02% and obtained an average value of 22.47 with a very good category, the
spatial consideration / planning indicator has a frequency of 312 with a percentage of 21, 31% and obtained an average
value of 20.80 with a very good category, the lighting indicator had a frequency of 165 with a percentage of 11.27% and
obtained an average value of 11.00 with a good category, the indicator of messages conveyed graphically had a frequency
of 136 with a percentage of 9.29% and obtained an average value of 9.07 with a good category, and the last color
indicator had a frequency of 135 with a percentage of 9.22% and obtained an average value of 9.00 with a good category.
The validity test results show that all items are valid because r_count>r_Tabel. The reliability test results show a
Cronbach alpha value of 0.920, this means that this research is very reliable according to the predetermined provisions.
Keywords: Office Layout, Spatial Considerations/Planning, Room Planning, Equipment or Furniture,
Lighting, Color, Graphically Conveyed MessagesOutput.